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Congratulations on the beginning of the New Year for Father 2022, with the end of December and the approaching of the new year, people congratulate each other, wishing a beautiful and new year free of worries and sorrows, and they eat sweets in it, hoping that the New Year will bring them goodness, blessing, happiness and success, and through the reference site we will allocate the hadith About the most beautiful messages and words of congratulations on the beginning of the New Year for Father 2022, for the father is the most precious human being, and he is the irreplaceable blessing.

Congratulations on the beginning of the new year for father 2022

The father is life, he is giving, he is a blessing, he is a role model, and he is the light that illuminates our life. Among the congratulatory messages for the beginning of the new year for the father are the following:

  • In the new year, I wish you, dear father, a year full of comfort, contentment and serenity, and every year you are fine, dear father, and every year we are proud of you.
  • To my father, to the most beloved people in my heart, to the good heart, to the super man, to my only hero, all my congratulations and blessings I send to you on the occasion of the New Year, a happy year loaded with joy and happiness my dear father.
  • Every year you are the light to my eyes, every year you are the joy to my heart, every year you are in my life, may God bless you with an endless life, my dear father.
  • Every year and you enjoy peace, dignity and love, my dear father, may God bless you in the new year, and grant you happiness, success, contentment and here.
  • My father, every year and you are fine, and every year you are in complete health and wellness, and the best wishes and warmest greetings I raise to you after God, my love and the crown of my head, have a good life, my love, and grant us a good life.
  • At the beginning of the new year, I send a congratulatory telegram loaded with the most sincere love, filled with invitations to the most precious person in existence.
  • I am looking for the most beautiful congratulations and I am looking for the sweetest phrases to send to you by my father, and to summarize all the meanings of love for you, to present to you on the occasion of the New Year.
  • Every year, every day, every hour and every moment, and you are fine, dear father, and every year you are in the middle of the heart, with all the meanings of love, I congratulate you, dearest people. Happy and blessed year to you, my first love.
  • On the occasion of the advent of the new year, I ask God Almighty to grant you, father, a long life and to enjoy health and wellness, and that God bless you, be satisfied with you, and satisfy you.
  • A new year in which I wish you, dear father, that God fills your heart with happiness, contentment, health and wellness, and every year you are happy, and every year you are fine, my love.
  • I stammer in my words in front of you, father, and I do not know how to congratulate you in the new year, so all my prayers, all my respect, and all my love are for you, my dear father, happy new year, and every year you are healthy and safe.
  • My father, my love, you are the ideal father, you are the source of tenderness, you are the prince, you are the hero, you are the crown of time, you are the owner of the big heart, and the owner of the fresh face, if love had a medal, you are worthy of the medal.
  • Father, you are my first love, you are the one who taught me the meaning of life, and you are the one who taught me religion, prayer and closeness to God, you are the one who believed in my fear, and you are the one who satisfied my heart, happy new year, and every year you are near us, I congratulate you, my dear, on the coming of the New Year.

Best New Year Wishes 2022

Happy New Year 2022 messages for father

The father is the rose of dreams, he is the fountain of tenderness, he is the sun of wishes, and he is the sweetest of people. Among the congratulatory messages for the beginning of the New Year for Father 2022 are the following:

  • And with the end of our year and the approaching of its last moments, I extend all my prayers and love to you, my dear father, and I wish from God, Glory be to You, that I do not see pain or pain in you and those I love. Happy New Years, dear.
  • In the new year, I say to you, my father, every year and you are fine, and every year you are healthy and safe, I ask God not to show me anything bad in you, and to wear you the clothes of wellness, and to give you a long and happy life.
  • Every year and you are good for every year, my father, every year and you are my happiness that I dream of, and every year you are the comfort that I only find with you, every year and you are fine, and every year you are near me.
  • In the new year, father, may your heart carry nothing but joy, bliss and happiness. Happy New Year, and every year and you are happy.
  • Happy new year to you, my father, a year in which we do not miss the smell of your coffee, a year in which we do not miss your loud praise, and we do not deprive your knocking on doors for dawn prayer, and your chair on our table is not empty of you, the most beautiful creature on earth.
  • Dad, you are my hero, and you are my lover, you are the only man in the world who influences me on himself, you are my whole life, and you are my whole life.
  • Happy New Year, Dad, I wish you a happy year filled with joy, contentment, health and wellness. I love you Dad, and I hope you will stay close to me throughout my years.
  • Happy New Year to you my dear father, my father, you are in the eyes of people, my father, but in my opinion the most wonderful angel embraces me, and if I could, I would give you my life.
  • In the New Year, I tell you, my father, if I had the power to gift you my heart, I would have removed it from my chest and presented it to you, for you are the most precious person to my heart, and you are the most precious thing that I possess.
  • In the new year, I pray to God that the life of a man I am always proud to be my father, who is like no other, has no likeness, is my love and master of my days.
  • Oh God, forbidden the heart of my father’s sadness of life.
  • I ask God, my father, and the comfort of my eyes, to deprive your heart of the sadness of life, and to make it a year of goodness, happiness and bliss for you.

New Year’s WhatsApp cases 2022

Happy New Year messages for father 2022

The father is the bond, he is the arm that does not lean, he is the first lover, and he is the hero of his children, life is not sweet without him, and from the messages of New Year’s greetings to the father, the following:

  • Every year and you are the only one who resides in my heart, my beloved, my dear father, and every year you are alone without the worlds, who were near me in my joy and comfort, I love you my hero, and I wish from God Almighty that you will remain beside me throughout the years and days.
  • My father, you are the bliss of my heart, every year you are with me, my father, my satisfaction of my days, the sweetest in my life, the most beautiful in my heart, you are my love, and every year, every minute and every moment and I love you, my heaven in my world.
  • The father is the only man who gives you without regret, and without return, he is the only one who takes from himself to give you, and he may not have given you everything you wish for, but he gave him everything he has, happy new year, my dear father and the apple of my eyes.
  • At the beginning of the new year, I ask God Almighty to keep you away from all fatigue, my dear father, and to protect you. Beautiful on you dad.
  • In the new year, every year and you are a thousand good, father, long life to you, father, I ask God to extend your life, and to grant you happiness, joy and contentment.
  • I wish from God, my dear father, in the New Year that you will remain close to us and our neighbors, and that we will remain in your wing and under your shadow, and every year and you are fine, dear father.
  • At the beginning of the year, what may hurt the most with a father’s departure is to wake up every morning knowing that your back is broken, and that all the men around you will not repair your fracture, may God have mercy on you, my father.
  • In the New Year, I tell you, my father, that you are my support, my consolation, and my sufficiency, and I tell you that you are the straightness of my back, which I am proud of among people. Every year and you are fine, and every year you are healthy, safe and love.
  • My father is my shadow and my shadow, he is my first love, he is the warmth of my days, he is the safety of my life, and he is the one who gave me life. I wish you in the new year that you remain well, healthy, safe and contented, my dear dear father.

New Year’s greetings phrases 2022 New Year’s messages Msjat Words

Messages for a sick father for the New Year 2022

The presence of a father in the lives of his children always makes them feel that there is an unrelenting bond, a heart that does not change, and a soul that only thinks of them.

  • I ask God in the new year to heal you, my father, a cure that does not leave sickness, and to restore your health and strength, and to have mercy on your helplessness, and the inability of doctors to treat you, with your power and strength, O Lord of the worlds, O Most Merciful of the merciful.
  • At the beginning of the new year, I pray to God for you, dear father, that he does not show me a problem in you that makes me cry, my beloved father, I ask God that the pain goes away, Lord of people, and heal, and you are the healer, there is no healing but your healing, a healing that does not leave sickness, go bad, Lord of people, in your hand is healing, and there is no detector It is for him but you, O Lord of the worlds, to heal my father and mother and provide them with health and wellness, Amen, O God, there is no refuge and no refuge from you except to you, that you are over all things.
  • Father, in the new year, I ask you to rise from your bed and be strong against illness, and do not let it destroy you. We are waiting for you, my love and my hero. Every year and you are fine, and every year you are healthy, safe and satisfied.
  • Here is the new year and you are still in pain and wan from illness, my love, I pray to God to heal you and keep you healthy and well, you are the first to embrace me when I am weak, father, and you are my strength and my hope in this world, I hope God will heal you, and return to light your home And the heart of your children.
  • What is the most difficult moment of farewell to a traveler, and what is the harshest of those looks when you bid farewell to your loved one a moment that you do not want to repeat in your life too much, what is the most difficult and most difficult moment when I turn to the right or left trying to hide my tears, and at that moment the language is always the language of tears and feelings, so I entrust you to my Lord To protect you from all evil, my father, and to heal you from every disease.
  • In the new year, I pray to God, my father, to heal you, to have mercy on us, and not to prolong your illness, nor prolong your severity, and to be with us at all times, we miss you, dearest in our lives, every year and you are fine, health and wellness.

Congratulatory Pictures 2022 Wallpapers Cards Symbols New Year’s Greetings

Words for the new year 2022 about the deceased father

Nothing breaks the heart more than the death of the father. The father is a life and a renewed spirit, and his presence in the lives of his children is the secret of their happiness and pride, and his death means the death of all beautiful feelings, and from the New Year’s words about the deceased father, the following:

  • Here is another year that has come, my dear father, while you are in your grave, and inside me is nostalgic for you, as if he would like to say to you every year and you are fine, every year and you are forgiven of sin, and you are self-satisfied, and every year and your grave is in light and bliss.
  • In the new year, I tell you, my father, that you did not die in my heart, so every year and the mercy of the most merciful will protect you and forgive you, and every year and your grave is cold, light and peaceful.
  • My father in the new year, tell me how to write you absent and you have all this presence in my heart, and all this presence in the details of my day, may God have mercy on you and forgive you, and make your grave a kindergarten from the gardens of paradise.
  • In the new year, I ask God, my Lord, to illuminate your grave, to have mercy on you in the belly of the earth, and to cover you on the Day of Judgment, and to make His angels roam you from every side, and to feed you from the fruits of Paradise, and to replace you with a home better than yours and a family that is better than your family, O Lord. You created him, and you took him, and you are the Most Merciful, for no one else is more merciful to him than you.
  • My father, the new year is coming and you are under the dirt, far from our eyes, but you are in our heart, every year and my prayers for you do not leave my tongue, and every year and your grave is in light and bliss, and every year and the mercy of the merciful surrounds you from every side.
  • I tell you, my love, my father, in the new year, that I live on your beautiful memory, and that I do not forget you for a moment, so every year you are fine, my beloved father, and every year you are forgiven of sins, and fraught with the mercy of the Lord of the worlds.
  • My father will start the new year while you are far from me in your grave, every year you are more precious than the residence of my heart, and every year you are the one I miss the most.
  • I ask God Almighty in the new year that will pass without you, my father, to forgive you, to console your loneliness, and to unite us with you in your paradise, and every year you are in the highest ranks of heaven, my dear beloved.
  • In the new year, I ask God, His Majesty, to compensate you, my father, for more beautiful years in heaven. Every year, you are in eternal, uninterrupted bliss, and every year you are in Paradise.
  • In the new year, I say to you, father, every year, and my prayers for you are endless, and every year you are in eternal rest, and every year you are good in my heart, my dear.
  • Oh God, have mercy on those who died in the world, and did not die in our hearts, Oh God, have mercy on my father and put him in your paradise, Oh God, have mercy on my father, the deceased of my heart, and forgive him, and forget his misery, and expand his grave, Oh God, make his feast in heaven more beautiful.

A prayer for the end of the year and the beginning of a new year written 2022

New Year’s prayer for father 2022

A father is the most distinguished man in the eyes of his children, and he is the one who cannot be dispensed with. He is the first love, and he is the most beautiful in existence. Among the New Year’s supplications for the father, are the following:

  • In the new year, I ask God not to deprive me of your presence, my dear father, for you are the happiness of my world. May God make you one of the happiest people.
  • I ask God, my father, in the new year to grant you health, wellness and long life, and to make your heart happy, my love, and to help me with your righteousness, satisfaction and generosity, and to keep you for me for a long life.
  • In the new year, I congratulate you, my father, and I ask God not to burden you with anxiety, and not to make you and my mother sad, and to protect my brothers for me with His protection, and to provide them with the gift of His generosity.
  • At the beginning of the new year, I ask you, the Almighty, to protect my father, mother and brothers for me with your eyes that do not sleep, O Lord of the worlds, may God protect you your fathers and mothers and all those you love.
  • At the end of the year, may God protect my father, for he is the most beautiful of your gifts, and he is the most precious thing that I have.
  • My Lord, with the New Year, I entrust you with those who are dearer to me than myself, O God, protect my mother and father for me, and grant them above their age, and above their well-being.
  • My Lord, protect my father for me, for he is the most beautiful of your gifts and the most precious thing that I possess.
  • With the beginning of the new year, O God, protect my father for me wherever he steps, and make my mother a joy with which her face shines with light.
  • My father, O God, I entrust you with his soul, body, heart and every pulse, for you are the security of those whose deposits are not lost, Lord, for every drop of sweat that came down from my father in pursuit of our sustenance, so raise his degree in heaven, and deprive him of the freedom of the Hereafter, and grant my father over his age, and above his health wellness, and make his happiness like his shadow She accompanies him and does not leave him.
  • I ask you, O God, on every new day in which our lives increase, that you increase with him his faith, sustenance, happiness, life and health, Lord.
  • Oh God, in the new year, protect my dear father for me, and wear him the clothes of health and wellness, and extend his life, and be with him, and do not need him for anyone, and have mercy on him with his mercy, O Karim, O Rahman.

Pictures of congratulations on the beginning of the new year for father 2022

The father is the light that illuminates our lives, and he is the source from which we drink tenderness and light, and he is more deserving of righteousness, loyalty and help.

Here we have come to the end of our article, congratulating the beginning of the New Year for Father 2022, where we have included the most beautiful phrases and messages of congratulations for the Father’s New Year.