التخطي إلى المحتوى

A prayer for the deceased mother on Friday. Prayers for my deceased mother on Friday written, responsive and touching are what will be presented in this article, as the mother has a great position in Islam, and losing her leaves a painful impact and a great void in the heart of the Muslim human being, and God – the Almighty – has legislated for his servants. Supplication, and supplication for the dead is one of the great things and deeds whose reward reaches the dead, so every dead person is in dire need of supplication for mercy, forgiveness and liberation from the fire, and the mother is due to her status and position. Friday and other blessed days.

Parental rights

Before going into a prayer for the deceased mother on Friday, every Muslim must know that his parents have a great right over him. The right of parents is one of the greatest rights in Islam to the extent that God – Glory be to Him and Almighty – paired the right of parents with his worship in His saying, the Most High: {And your Lord has decreed that you not be worshipped. Except for him and be kind to parents.}[1] Among the rights of parents over children are the following:[2]

  • Be kind to them, be kind to them, serve them, obey them, be courteous and spend on them, just as they must be treated with good manners and etiquette.
  • It is the duty of a Muslim towards his parents to obey them and answer their call with kindness and with love and longing.
  • The children should spend on the parents in case they need them.
  • One of the rights of parents is that their children should seek their permission, respect their opinion, and take their advice.
  • One of their rights over their children is their kindness to them after their death, for righteousness is not interrupted by death, and one of its forms is to visit their relatives, maintain their ties of kinship, and pray for them, which is the best thing that children can offer to their fathers after their death.

Friday prayer for loved ones and friends written

A prayer for the deceased mother on Friday

The loss of a mother is one of the difficult matters that a Muslim can receive, and which it is his duty to receive with faith and patience, and not to cut off his honoring his mother after her death, so he must pray a lot for her with mercy and forgiveness, and the following is a prayer for the deceased mother on Friday:

  • Oh God, I ask you on this blessed Friday to make the grave of my dear mother a kindergarten from the gardens of Paradise, O God, and move her from the narrowness of the grave and the breeding ground of worms to the paradise of eternity, O God, there is no god but You, the tenderness of tenderness, the wonderful of the heavens and the earth.
  • O Allah, on Friday, I ask you with your honor that is not fine and with your unconquerable king, to descend on my mother a light from your light, may Allah light her grave with your mercy, expand her entrance and forget her her loneliness, may Allah ask you with your mercy to have mercy on her gray and take into account her alienation and loneliness, may Allah not leave her a sin except his forgiveness. And there is no reward except for her that she has written, O God, and enter her into the highest paradise of Paradise.
  • Oh God, on this blessed day of Great Friday, the image of my mother is absent and her voice is absent from me.
  • Oh God, I ask you on Friday if my mother is not worthy of access to your mercy, then your mercy is worthy of its sting.

See also: The best supplication on Friday before sunset

Prayers for my deceased mother on Friday

Friday is one of the blessed and great days, and God – Almighty and Exalted be He – has given him an hour of response, in which the supplication of a Muslim never agrees but God responds to him, and that is why the Muslim is keen to pray for his deceased mother on Friday, and after a prayer for the deceased mother on Friday, supplications for my deceased mother will be stated. on Friday as follows:

  • Oh God, on Friday, we ask you to have mercy on our mothers and the mothers of Muslims, may God have mercy on them with your mercy that expanded everything, may God light their graves and expand their entrance and forget their loneliness, and make them, O Lord, among the laughing and happy in heaven and mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful.
  • O Allah, on Friday, I ask you to make my mother a more beautiful life than her life in your paradise, O Allah, make her grave light upon light, O Allah, send down upon her light and light, O Allah, have mercy on her, if it were distributed to the people of the earth, it would be enough for them all, O He who has everything and the kingdom of everything.
  • O Allah, it is the last hour of Friday, O Allah, O Most Merciful, Most Merciful, Most Generous, O Most Generous, O Giver of blessings, O Allah, my mother is your servant, daughter of Your servant, O Allah, you have been given your hospitality and You are the Most Generous, O God, and she needs Your mercy and You are the Most Merciful, O Allah, light her grave and make her one of the Those who enjoy it, O God, forgive her all her sins, and write for her all her reward, and free her from the fire, and her reward from every torment.
  • Oh God, on Friday, make my mother’s grave filled with the lights of mercy, Oh God, have mercy on her with Your mercy, which expanded everything, Oh God, make musk her soil and silk she saw, and make her grave a kindergarten from the gardens of Paradise.

A prayer for my deceased brother on Friday is written

A prayer for the dead on Friday

At all times and when a Muslim must remember the dead Muslims with a supplication for mercy and goodness, which is a matter of charity and charity, and there is a supplication in the back of the unseen that the Muslim earns his wages and is guaranteed by an angel who says to him and you in the same way, and therefore after a supplication for the deceased mother on Friday, a supplication will be offered for the deceased on Friday Friday as follows:

  • Oh God, on Friday morning, have mercy on our dead, a mercy that sings of the mercy of anyone but you. May God pardon him and replace him with better than what he left.
  • Oh God, on Friday, we ask you to have mercy on our dead in the belly of the earth and to cover them on the day of presentation.
  • Oh God, on Friday, have mercy on those who died in the life of this world, and their memory still lives in the hearts.
  • Oh God, on Friday, have mercy on the dead who grieve their separation from our hearts.

Friday prayer written short The best 10 prayers answered on Friday

The most beautiful supplication for the dead in the last hour of Friday

Supplication at the last hour of the day on Friday is a desirable thing, as the hour of response on Friday is hoped to be in it, and the most beautiful supplication for the dead at the last hour of Friday can be used as a supplication for the deceased mother on Friday, as follows:

O God, in the last hour of Friday, I ask You, O Lord, to make it an hour of answer, O God, You are the Generous and You are the most generous of gifts, O God, You are the Giver of blessings, I ask You, O Lord, in the last hour of Friday, to have mercy on my mother, O God, for she is Your slave-girl, your servant’s forelock, her forehead is in Your hand, Your judgment is in it. Justice in it is your judgment, O God, she is in need of Your mercy, and You are the Rich in her torment, and You are the most merciful of the merciful, so have mercy on her. The righteous, O Lord, I ask you to protect my mother in the last hour of Friday from the fire of Hell. faces, and make them among the companions of the right, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.

The most beautiful 200 prayers for the deceased father written, prayers for the deceased father are answered

A complete and abridged prayer for the deceased mother on Friday

The following is a complete and abridged supplication for the deceased mother on Friday, which a Muslim can supplicate with as a supplication for the deceased mother on Friday:

Oh God, O Most Merciful, Most Merciful, I ask you to have mercy on my mother, whose life made me cry with the news of her death, and my heart was terrified by her departure. Oh God, have mercy on my mother, whose memory still lives in my heart. Our living and our dead, our witness and our absence, our male and female, our old and our young, O Lord, have mercy on my mother with Your mercy, and bring her down from Your noble light, O God, feed her from the food of Paradise and water her from the water of Paradise, and open a door for her, my father, in Paradise, in which she sees her seat in it, O God, she is with you and a rope By your mercy, understand it from the trial and punishment of the grave, and you are the people of loyalty and truth.

Watch also: Dua for mom on Friday, the most beautiful supplications for mother on Friday

A prayer for mercy for the deceased mother on Friday

Praying for a deceased mother is a form of kindness to her after her death, as it is the duty of a Muslim to pray for his parents after their death for mercy and forgiveness from God Almighty, and in the following, a prayer for mercy will be mentioned for the deceased mother on Friday:

Oh God, by your mercy, I seek help, O Living, O Qayyum, O Most Merciful of the merciful, O Most Generous of hosts. You, O Hanan, O Manan, O Allah, cover her with Your mercy and move her from the narrowness of the thorns and the habitats of worms to the bliss in the Gardens of Eternity, O Allah, You are Able to do all things, and You said, “Call upon Me, I will respond to you. All praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, Amen.

Supplication for the dead from the Qur’an and Sunnah

A prayer for the deceased mother in the last hour of Friday

On Friday, there is an hour of response that God Almighty has made a mercy and a great opportunity for his pious servants. After her death, so we will show you the most beautiful supplication for the dead mother at the last hours of Friday, and the supplication is:

O God, O Friendly, O Friendly, O Possessor of the Glorious Throne, O Beginner, O Helper, O Effectiveer of what You desire, I ask You by the light of Your Face that filled the pillars of Your Throne, and I ask You by Your mercy that encompasses everything, and I ask You by Your power by which You have decreed over all Your creation to have mercy on my mother and cover her with Your vast mercy. And I ask You to protect her from the torment of the grave and the trials of the grave, O Most Merciful, Most Merciful. Return her soul to you, satisfied and satisfied, and gather her with the righteous, and admit her to Paradise without reckoning or a precedent of torment, and praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.

A prayer for my husband on Friday, the most beautiful prayers for the husband on Friday

A prayer for the deceased mother on Friday night

Friday night is one of the times in which supplications are proven to be answered for those who supplicate and are sincere to God Almighty in their supplications. A supplication for the deceased mother on Friday night will be mentioned as follows:

Praise be to God, a very good thank you that you accept for yourself, God, I raised my hands to you and stood in your mind, asking you for your kindness, generosity, forgiveness and your satisfaction, God be satisfied with my mother while she is in your hands now, God do not torment her, you are rich in her torment, O Rahman, Most Merciful, O God, do not deprive her of the pleasure of your face. And meeting You, O Most Generous of the Most Generous, O God, resurrect her pure soul with the righteous, the martyrs, and the righteous, and forgive her, O Lord, for her previous and future sins, for You are the Forgiving, the Most Merciful. As you bestowed upon my mother the worldly blessings and provided her with the blessings she wished for and more, bestow upon her with more in the hereafter and pardon and pardon her, and enter her with your mercy the gardens of eternity that you are over all things powerful, and blessings and peace be upon your Noble Prophet, his family and all his companions.

The supplication of the hour of response on Friday Twitter

Prayers for the deceased mother

Here we present the most beautiful collection of good supplications that a Muslim can pray for his deceased mother, and these supplications are:

  • Oh God, have mercy on my mother and extend to her in her grave as far as the eye can see, and make the angels seek forgiveness and supplicate for her, O Lord of the worlds, and resurrect her on the Day of Resurrection with the righteous and the pious, Amen.
  • Oh God, my mother is now in your hands, Oh God, grant her happiness in the hereafter, protect her and spare her the torment and darkness of the grave, and cover her with your wide mercy, O Most Merciful of this world and Most Merciful of the Hereafter.
  • Oh God, she is my mother who carried me in weakness upon weakness, forgive her and have mercy on her, pardon her and pardon her, and entrust her to have mercy on your righteous servants.
  • O God, I ask You in Your greatest name, by which if you are called, you answer, and if you ask by it you are given, to forgive and have mercy on my deceased mother, to increase her mercy, and to descend upon her in her grave from your knife, O Lord of the worlds.

A prayer for the deceased on Friday will be answered, God willing

The virtue and rule of praying for the dead

Praying for the dead is obligatory for his children if they are of the righteous, and it is a prophetic Sunnah for the rest of the people, and the blessed prophetic hadiths have stated the importance of praying for the dead by his children. Ongoing charity, or knowledge that is benefited from, or a righteous child who prays for him.”[3] As the dead, if his righteous children supplicate for him, benefit from their supplication as much as they supplicate for him, and this supplication is a picture of their righteousness to their deceased parents, so the children must be careful to mention their deceased parents in their supplications, all that they supplicated to God Almighty and contended with Him, and whoever supplicated for the dead without His sons, for the dead benefits from praying, God Almighty, and the one who prays benefits from it as well, so he takes the reward of praying for his Muslim brother in the back of the unseen, and among the virtues of praying for the dead is the relief of his torment and forgiveness of his sins. The Messenger of God prayed for the dead, and God knows best.

The prayer of the Messenger on Friday is written in full and the times of response

Pictures of a prayer for the deceased mother on Friday

It is also necessary to present pictures of supplications for the deceased mother on the day of starvation, as follows:

Here we have come to the end of our article, a prayer for the deceased mother on Friday, prayers for my deceased mother on Friday, in which we explained the rights of parents in this world and after death. Or on any day he wishes to supplicate, in addition to talking about the virtues of supplication for the deceased and its rulings.