Read what the person is saying to a friend on the phone. Write answers using can’t, must, or might in present or past form.
اعزائنا الطلاب، يسرنا أن نرحب بكم في موقع مكساوي لنشر الخدمات الالكترونية، ونشر الاجابات النموذجية للمناهج الدراسية في المملكة، وفي هذا المقال سنقدم لكم إجابة سؤال الفقرة (H) Read what the person is saying to a friend on the phone. Write answers using can’t, must, or might in present or past form. من كتاب نشاط الصف الأول الثانوي، من الوحدة الثانية.
إن الاجابة الصحيحة لهذا السؤال كالتالي:
I can’t believe it. I keep on forgetting things all the time. I was at the cash register getting ready to pay, so I opened my bag and my wallet wasn’t there. I was so embarrassed!
-You might have left it at home.
-You must have forgotten to put it in your bag.
My son drove me home and I looked for my wallet all over the place, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. And there was quite a lot of money in it. I was devastated!
– You might have forgotten it in the car.
– You must have dropped it in the street.
And then my daughter, who was also looking, stopped and said. “Are you sure you didn’t leave it at grandma’s yesterday? I remember you taking it out and leaving it on the little table next to the door”.
– You might have left it in grandma’s home.
– You must have put it on the table in grandma’s home.
I don’t know why I keep on doing things like that. I don’t normally forget where I put things.
– You might have been under the strees.
– You must have been old.
وفي الأخير وصلنا واياكم إلى نهاية هذا المحتوى الذي قدمنا لكم فيه إجابة سؤال Read what the person is saying to a friend on the phone. Write answers using can’t, must, or might in present or past form من موقع مكساوي.
الاجابة الصحيحة لهذا السؤال